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Avatar since: 26/11/2005

Age: 35
United States
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Tala Med Mej!!!
Graphics By Lana! Scrollbar by
____________><__________><____________><______________><____________><__________________________><_____________><______________________><_____________><________ style="width: 300px; height: 200px; border: 13px double; border-color: 003939; overflow:auto; background: 005100; background-image: url(""); color: 393900; font-weight: bold; font-family: Arial Black; font-size: 9pt; padding: 4px;"> Take Away ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take away this sadness that I always keep inside. Take away all the fear that i try to hide Take away the things of this world that drive me insane Take away all the guilt Lord take the pain. Take away all my unclean thoughts that consume me everyday, Take away the lies that those people say. Take me away God and make me new and in my hardest situations please see me through. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -By Megan (my irl friend)
Daftar Keinginanku
Graphics By Lana! Pwease! Pertyperty Pwease! Click and send to me?! Will never forget you! <33 (Crow you are still at the top of my list an ALWAYS will be!!! Heart U <333
Corrupt&Pure Hightops{K} Black Vest /w shirt(L) Black Eyebrows v1[SC] Brune AyuDeeviousDivaUpper-B
+Silver cross earrings+Razor Blade collar/wrists teeSkirt W/ Virgin LeggingsInkShorts-VirginLeggings
! Beige & Black baby!! Smoking White-Black!!! Smoking Pink Black !!daimond sparkle hoopsLiger
Coral Print Tube[B] Bolero w/ Cami BlackEye aqua angel¤C¤Wings Butterfly tatoospacer
Teman-temanku (8)
My good friend Azuzsa! Image Hosted by Yes I love em all!!! <333 *snugs*
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