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Looking For: Friendship

Let me see....What about me....Hmmmmm.... It is like I have always been this way just hanging out in Cybertown. ... I Like everybody and welcome new friends from all the diverse and interesting corners of IMVU. The Furry and the Vampire Community Pirates Hooligans Aliens Gangstas Rockers Ghouls Elves...welcome. There is even room for Cheesemongering Ballooniacs
You ALL Rock

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BA Japanese Party VillaBA Steampunk Airship*BabyA Manga AirshipMyst Christmas Red Table*BabyA Black Glass Tbl2
*BabyA Black n Red Ch4Myst Green Glass Table*BabyA Black n Red Ch1Dark Wooden Blue LampJapanese Chest Of Drawer
Myst Gold Banquet Table*BabyA Shoji Lamp Pinkspacerspacerspacer
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And Spiritualistic Pursuits Of All Kinds

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