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Avatar sejak: 2007-06-23
Umur: 30
Terakhir masuk:

"I Know You Want Me LOL :P"

Lihat Album Saya (1)

heya, the namez Ashley.. you can call me ashie or ash or chopstix or choppies or CC or pocky or elephant fart--dont ask-- or unicorn or squeeshie or.. nefing elseu can come up wid Lol ^^ ne way im not blonde i just wish i was cuz onli very few ppl canpull of being blonde..--pssst ma real hari colour is brown-- er... i'll put it this way im short so dont ask me how short i am and u might find out--not keeping ne promisses-- umm what else im freakishly skiny even tho i eat like a pig >..metaRL.com gives free IMVU Credits!
Mencari: Pertemanan
Daftar Keinginanku
heya if u love me-- in any form and or way-- you will buy me a gift with alil msg too ^^ LOL ma faves atm are the ANSHE stuff if u buy me sumthing from anshe i would probly go nuts/bonkerz/insane/....er and not to metion EXTREEMLY HAPPY!!!!!!! but u dont have to get me ne thing.. >_> ne way LEAVE A MSG IFU HAVE A HEART!!!!!!! tehe xoxoxAshie
*Cel* OLIVITA Blonde-Bru*EH*Amy*brown*SeMosOpalBlondyHair[SYN]CasualTop-Black[prm] Flirty Teal Dress
[Fall outfit] BluePanDoRa*Sweet night[H.Top] Pink Request~C~ Tokio hotel Sneakers|L| Jayz Blue/Orng
|L| Jayz Pink/Wht*T* Drop Dead[ACS] ART GALLERY CAR(Cc)Beach girl*black[OKB]Friends
[SD] DJ COOL x.XSceneJewelry CrackHeartspacerspacerspacer
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