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Avatar sejak: 2006-11-29
Umur: 31
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Lihat Album Saya (1)

My name starts with a J and ends with a i .. hmmm oh that right Its Jacqui :) Woohoo! Some peepz calls me jewels cause when i shop , i come home with a bag of jewels ! My dream job is somthing that goes with animals, i dont know one yet but i well soon or in a while. my another dream is to be fashion designer, i sure got many dreams but im not gonna tell ya. Im an hockey player ( Bantam A ) it totally fun. I Love boys of course but not when their sooo stupids like the fuckin cartoons ! Ive kissed a boy befor , im no stupid -.- If i was rich... i would have 2 big closets !! 1 in jewels and shoes :) and another in clothing. Im big fan of shoes though. When i go to hockey tournments and hotels .. well i gotta say is that hotels are mother fucker awnsome :) i love hotels but not fithly one. I got 1 dog and 1 cat , but i want more !! But u know.. mom and dad always says noo noo no !! Fuck that ! Their old !! Of course and their such a big nerds. no wonder i have to wear fuckin 40 yrs old clothes for my mom!! My god ! anywayz ... as i was saying.. is that... BYEEE :) Jacqui xoxoxo
Daftar Keinginanku
1 day, i wish that i get all those stuff .. it just so sad that no one will be a sweetheart to me because u cant buy 1 thing for me? That rlly hurt :( if u buy me 1 of those thing, i promise ( cross my heart ) will buy u somthing back !! no kiddie i well !! Jacqui xoxo luv u guys who may buy me 1
* Pixie Dust Demonika *(L) Golden Blonde Aima.A. Rich Chocolate ~GwenANN Denim Boyshorts BLKPink Sapphire Diamond NL
[Foxi]orenji top[m] Diamond Labret (Und)-tx- CuppyCake Poses(Ð) RetroLove Skintone(Ð) VickyAngel Skintone
(Ð) NudeBeauty Skin(Ð) Black Vintage Coat[SAKI] SXC jakiIS: Rainbow Elmo Tshirt[MK] Skull Cardigan
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Well what can i say about her? She funny, pretty, smart, again funny, She rlly lovable :P I luv her soo much. Loveah , u promise u wont leave me?
