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Heyy everyonee! This be your bbygurl, keller<3 i'm not "21" i'm actually 13. I didn't know what iMVU was at the time while i made the account so i didn't really care for it nearly as much as compared to how much i do N0W ! ;] i'm currently SiNGLE..but i'm not looking either [sorry boyss] haha i'm a really kewl chick to kick it back with and to have a good, fun time! So come talk to me if you want a good conversation :]
Daftar Keinginanku
click one...i'll be your best friend forever ;]
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thank yooh all for da visit! plz leave a message b4 yooh leave!!! x3
Jangan lewatkan pengunjung yang datang untuk memeriksa kamu. Sebagai VIP, Kamu dapat memulai membuat koneksi berharga hari ini!
Guest_tink3rb31l_12522091_deleted_12522091 my kewl, awesome, hilarious cuzin cynthia [c-c] !!! she's soo kewl and awesome and you should meet her [dont judge her cuz shes black] hahaha jkjk ;] luv ya cuz!!!!