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Avatar since: 27/07/2018

United States - NY
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Put the pizza rolls in the BAG
Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
Looking For: Friendship

Can you hear the silence?
Can you see the dark?
Can you fix the broken?
Can you feel
Can you feel my heart?


The sweetest of flowers in a heavenly gardern.
A muse that ignites all.
A snow fox; both wild and delicate by nature with fur of the finest fox.
A beacon of light that touches all who comes within its rays.
A light amongst the darkest of times.
The spiciest of salsa packets.
The sweetest of candies.

𝓘 𝓪𝓶 𝓐𝓭𝓭𝓲 ♥

GrindedIntestines (Seb): My Angel of Darkness and fiercest protector. Thank you for being my big brother.

FruitConflict (JelliBean): My personal piece of green. You are my meadow on a sunny spring day, Calmness personified, and the taste of a green apple personified. Keep being the best rp buddy in the world!

CrashOutCrew (KatSerrano and CatalinaNReyes) [Kat/Kato and Lita]: Lita, my kinky sister from another mister. Thank you for opening your heart to both me and my big headed brother.
Kat/Kato, the warmest of fires, ever so engulfing, but with just the right amount of comfort to keep the blizzards at bay.

My Dear Lovies,
Like a moth to a flame, I am drawn into your embrace. The comfort I find in your firm but gentle hands is unmatched at best. I can think of a million things to say, but when all is said and done the love I feel for you is intoxicating at best and butterfly inducing at worse. You give me a new take on life; and if the world were to end today, I'd die with a smile knowing what it is to have your love.

- Your Darlin'
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