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Dress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll PalaceDress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll PalaceDress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll PalaceDress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll PalaceDress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll PalaceDress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll PalaceDress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll Palace
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Kesukaanku Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll PalaceDress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll PalaceDress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll PalaceDress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll PalaceTake this test at Tickle

You're most like Cameron Diaz

Which Hollywood Blonde Are You?
Brought to you by Tickle Nancy, your Nancy, your signature hairstyle is Sleek and Chic Cool and confident, you're a trendsetter who's always on the cutting edge. Sure, people like to follow in your cool footsteps, but by the time they do, you've usually moved on to something even better. You don't mess around with styles you know won't suit you, and that's why you almost always look like you've just stepped out of a salon. No one ever had to tell you that there's spinach in your teeth or there's a hair out of place. You take the time and put in the effort to put your best foot forward. Ooh-la-la!inner rock star is Kelly Clarkson Hey, Miss Independent! You don't need America's vote to figure out that your music match is sweet and sassy Kelly Clarkson. Since U been here, you're all about having a good time and showing the world that the girl-next-door has the confidence and charisma to make it big. With your undeniable talent and big heart, it's no wonder you're at the top of the charts. Rock on!Nancy, your pop star style is Fresh 'n Sweet! You're kind and sincere with a wholesome attitude that's bound to earn you a place in the hearts of adoring fans everywhere. You're probably committed to your friends, your family, and staying true to your values � and your upbeat, forward-thinking words inspire others to stay positive in their own lives. How can anyone be down in the dumps when there's a megawatt personality like yours beside them? You put the "pop" in popular, and your fans probably see you as one of them. And that's why your style should reflect...well...the fresh perspective of the times. From bucket hats and floral blouses to any sweet look that accentuates your girl-next-door personality � you've got a wide range of options. Just stay away from outfits that scream extreme. Sure, you might sometimes feel a little limited by this look (who doesn't want to throw on some leather now and then?) But overall, your uber-cute, fresh look is the perfect match for the values you're most passionate about. What else can we say? Rock on!Nancy, your music match is a Sweet Pop Princess Take my breath away. With your sweet yet sexy, down-home demeanor, you're sure to leave oodles of fans gasping for air. Like your music match, Jessica Simpson, you're a good girl with both feet planted on the ground...except maybe when you're teetering on 4-inch platform wedges. You're not the sort to let fame go to your head. No matter how high your star rises, you'll stay true to yourself and the people who helped you along the way. With your big heart and generous nature, it's no wonder you've already got loads of admiring fans. You go!
Scorpio, Scotland, Edinburgh
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