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Avatar since: 06/09/2008

Age: 32
United States - MT
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My husband left. Taking a break from IMVU
Relationship Status: Divorced
I Rarely come on imvu any longer. I do not have time nor the energy for the crap that goes on here. If im online its only to contact a friend or help a rl friend or family member out.
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QueenoftheDead18 tidak memiki seseorang yang spesial.
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The best moment of my life was the moment he proposed Zac : Kristal Will you be mine forever Kristal : Oh my god Yes!!! DarkZachary: Vous êtes mon everthing, mon soleil, de la beauté dans le monde, ma raison de vivre Emobaby003: What does that mean DarkZachary: You are my everything, my sunshine, the beauty in the world, my reason to live
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# sKylar pinkblkblond!PoE! Duchess of KentGoglo Blue Bundle[n3] MNSTRS [toxic] m/f[SWA]Dance Purple
HLS-DemonCHILD-SKIN[xP] 16 Belly Dance pose[PT] Club wer red[69s] SEXY AVATARRuby Heart Necklace
CsD weddingdress redSkillet - Whispers[IR] Warm house*R* Pin Stripe BLACKLast 7 Words of Christ
LK's Vampire Love/50p[x]GorgeousQueenPalace69 Power - Chaos Fspacerspacer
Which Type of Movie Vampire Are You?
Your Result: Twilight Vampire

Congratulations! You are a Twilight Vampire! The vampires from Twilight are fast and strong, and often have sup---atural powers like mind-reading or precognition. While most Twilight vampires drink humans blood there are some vegetarians out there! :-)

Underworld Vampire
Blade Vampire
Perfect Creature Vampire
Dracula Vampire
Van Helsing Vampire
Which Type of Movie Vampire Are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

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