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Avatar sejak: 2005-10-31
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"she's drunk on old cartoons, liquid tv afternoons ⭐︎"

See My Albums (6)

I'm not a fan of random adds from strangers

Visit ♡Unicorn Vibes♡ & come chill with the littles & homies~

☼Stay Lifted☼

Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Chatting
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- Basic Black TopX. Icy White Plataforms𝙀。 Just Did ItFrecklesTini ♡ Baggy Jeans
Gray Cross Jeans LCotton Candy Full Female♡ Fluffy Heels● Andro Sweater ●ɳ Lit Bottoms RL
ɳ Black Skirt RLɳ Glow Heart StickersPrincess NeonKISA|BlackSportySmallV.2ɳ Glow Body Stickers
Collar|K 🦄 Weed Bag|K 📺 Cute TVs❤ Landa Opal(14k Gold) Crybaby
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