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Hello Darlings. My name is Stephanie, and I live In Colorado Springs , Co. I'm happily married to an U.S. Army Soldier. Yes I support the troops , just not the war. I'm really into music , art , anime, video games (especially all the Final Fantasys) , horror movies , and life period. I love hanging out with my friends , boozin , and just being plain crazy. I love meeting new people and making new friends. If you feel like talkin just send me a message and we'll talk. Well , what else is there to say , ummm , I'm crazy in love and I love coffee! Lates Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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My Fav Music 's are Rock (all types), J-Rock, J-Pop , and Dance.

Alice ShoesSELENE BundleMock Waist BLACKLayered denim n dressDemon Buckle Pumps
Crop Jacket: BlueStriped Polo Tee: GrayLayeredTop n Pants WHITERikey: MochaLaced Up Thigh highs
Crop Jacket: BlackSkeggings Denim - BlackPinky Buckle PumpsLaced Up Boots FIRERikey: Black
Surf Necklace + RopesDevil Girl - EyesDraca Hairspacerspacer
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Avatar sejak: 2006-02-23
Umur: 39
Amerika Serikat - CO
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"Broken wings have a home tonight....."

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