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About Me:

Time for a new about me.
I thought I’d start small with mine, simply creating a new “about me”, as I’ve grown tired of my current one.
From the start I’d just like to say that I do not write these “about me” sections for you readers, this may seem a little strange but it’s the truth.
I only ever write when I feel the need to get something off my chest, get my thought’s inline or just to set for myself a general direction in which to head.
I’ve found that these “writings” tend to give a better picture of myself as a person than any half assed, egotistical, self promoting “about me” ever would.
So, what sort of person am I?
I think it’s hard for any person to honestly describe themselves, their flaws and imperfections as well as their talents and qualities.
Whenever I look at profiles online people always seem to be trying to “sell” themselves to the online community by saying how great they are or alternatively how “badass” they are, how they don’t give a fuck about what you think etc.
I find these kinds of people, in general, insufferable.
They all come across as rather generic and further cement my belief that today’s culture encourages sheep like behaviour and shameless imitation.
Not that I haven’t done it myself, far from it actually as I myself fell right into the emo sub culture a 2 years back and had the hair [Still have the hair >.>], the clothes, the piercings and music taste to match every other little emo fan boy/girl out there at the time.
I guess now I should really talk a little about myself as this is an “about me” after all.
Well I wouldn’t really say I’m your average teen as cliché as this may sound.
I’m an introvert person, I tend to keep myself to myself and I’m shy with new people.
If I’m honest new people make me very nervous as I find first impressions are important and well, I generally suck at giving a good first impression.
I'm a gamer, xbox 360 and PC to be precise although I’m purely a RTS gamer on pc, when it comes to the xbox I play most things so yeah, I’m a gamer geek, playing my xbox far more than I should but when there’s little else to do at home or in the town I live then I find it’s a good way of killing endless hours that otherwise would be spent watching shitty TV.
I'm not a particularly social person really, I find that at my age, most people’s idea of socialising involves going out to clubs, spending vast amounts of money on ridiculously over priced drinks, making a complete fool of yourself in the process then waking up the next morning feeling like you’re about to die.
Yes, I’ve done it all before and yes, I will very likely do it all again in the near future but I never really fully enjoy myself no matter how happy I may appear and I always regret it in the morning.
Now on to the “friends” department of the typical “about me”.
This is where I should spout some crap about how my friends are the best in the world ever and that if you touch them I’ll kill you right?
Just like every other little kid on here of course.
If I were to say such things then I’d be lying if I’m honest.
There’s only two friends I’m bothered about and their names are Ellie and Maddi.
As for everyone else I know well, I know them but there not really my friends at the end of the day, just people I know, harsh but true.
I’m now at a loss really for anything else to write here so I guess I’m just going to have to leave it at that.
If, by any chance, you want to know more about me or ask any questions don’t be afraid to ask, I’ll reply to any genuine queries but don’t expect a prompt reply because frankly, you won’t get one.
"Why are all the dinosaurs extinct?" "Because you touch yourself at night."

Don't say another Goddamn word.
Up until now, I've been polite.
If you say anything else - one word - I will pee on you.
You can start droolin' now. c;


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