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Hiiii. My namee is Nyesha or Angie ... either onee is finee[: ... Ohmiiqawshness ! :D To start off i invaded thee earth Feb 19th in 1995 . im currently a Sophomoreeeee[: and i livee with my mOm and two siblinqs. i would describee myself as weird, a lil crazy, annoyinq sOmetimes, random, innocent ^__^ and a cOmplete dork. But Ohmiiqawshness im likee Supa weird. Thinqs i like to do are playin video qames, watchin tv, sittinq on my laptOp all day, shoppinq, and playiin soccer:D . I likee playin Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, Super Smash Brawl, etc... mOstly all fiqhtin qames[: . i dont care how old i qet i will always watch Cartoon Network and Nick[: soo Muwhahahahahah >:] . Thinqs i dislikee, i hate Fakes and liars, not koOl -___- . i also dislikee rodents, rats wahtever yuh wanna call them, i think there qross a uqly ! well thats all folks[: