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Avatar sejak: 2006-12-12
Umur: 39
Kerajaan Inggris
Terakhir masuk:

"Destroyed by clever toys for little boys"

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My life has no specific meaning.. I live in a house, I drive a car, I work and study..

Just like you...

In my bubble, I feel no emotion.. I have all I'll ever need (she smiles at me). I sleep in a bed made of amphetamine. This is me. My life. My existence. Me me my my.

Let's join the rat race.. The internet of internets.. Business as usual.. A mule to society.. Yes, business as usual..(cheques in the post)

(walking on egg shells)

I'm not scared of computers taking over the world.. Computers are totally defenseless..(End sentence here)

We just need more people with hammers..

More people.. With more stuff..

We need more stuff..
Sharp objects..
Material possessions..
More money..
More stuff..

I'm done with caring.. It's not like anybody else cares.. The sheep are in the slaughter house...To hell with mediocrity..

I quit.

Stop the world and let me off...

((Pic in gallery. Enjoy the stereotype.))

love, envy, Lust, vanity, Greed, SLOTH, GLUTTONY
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