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Avatar sejak: 2007-07-30
Umur: 36
United States - FL
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"Luff's Edward Elric an' FMA~"

See My Albums (6)

~ A B O U T M E
- 'Llo all~! 'Names 'Renea' but most commonly known as 'Re'. I'm outgoing, crazy, random, and spontaneous. I love a good laugh, enjoy having a good time, and try to live life to its fullest. I love to get out and hang with friends, roam the outdoors, travel, and do things sometimes just for the hell of it. I'm all up for meeting new people and am generally an easy person to get along with. <3 Just don't piss me off or hurt one of my friends, 'cause than you're only askin' for it. :D I'm also not one to stand for bullshit, so if you're here to hassle me or give me a hard time than save yourself a lot of time beforehand and screw off now. If I also come to find that you're annoying or you simply stick around just to pester me than you'll be gettin' a good kick in the ass good bye as a souvenir on your way out of my life. :D

My passion and love is writing and RPing, it's been that way ever since I was a kid. I consider myself an artsy and creative type of person and love to indulge myself in things such as painting, sewing, making dolls, arts and crafts, cosplaying, making graphics, making music, etc. I'm currently studying the wonders of watercolor and hoping someday to learn how to play the guitar and piano. I also enjoy watching anime and reading manga, I'm big on learning about different cultures and ethnics. I'm against racism, homophobia, sexism, or any of that jazz and prefer not to discuss or mention politics or religion at all. I generally hold a liberal and idealistic view of the world and prefer to leave it at that.

Overall you have a spunky, laid back, and charismatic girl that's just taking her life in one stride at a time~

~ F A N D O M
As an overview, my fandoms include Fullmetal Alchemist, Slayers, Chobits, The Final Fantasy Series, 24, and Lost.
Edward Elric and Reno of The Turks are my all time favorite characters, I adore the two so damned much~ <3;; Some of my other favorites are Envy, Alphonse Elric, Xellos, Seifer Almasy, Squall Leonhart, and Marik Ishtar. :D;;

That's 'bout it for now. Talk to you all! :3;
~ Mieka

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- Thanks to all for visiting my page! :D <33;;

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Sheer Gold Shawl*VN™FLORENTINA[8O8] GLAM GIRLZspacerspacer

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