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Avatar since: 28/04/2007

Age: 41  Terverifikasi umur 18+ Age Verified
United States - IL
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Greatings... what else is there to say?
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Mencari: Pasangan
well... This is my page. A little about me. I'm a bit of a loner. I don't like humanity as a whole (see the irony in that). I operfer to do things my own way. I like anime. Dragons are my favorite mythological creature. Tigers are my favorite real creature. ...So you know I have 2 male avatars. One dragon kin and one tiger. Though they share many similar things they are diffrent. Oh look a link CLICK ME will ya ...if ya dare! There is more to me than I will admit on this page. If you have questions send me a message or better yet chat with me. new products page Daily Outfit Contest
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your dragon self (stunning pics and detailed results)

You Are A Blue Dragon, you live in deserted places in a cavern or a lair. Your territory in very vaste, but you let cattle farmers and horse breeders stay on your land, so that you can eat their animals, as cows and horses are your favourite meals. You are very sly, and mainly use magic to capture your prey.stone: shapphirequote: "My favorite animal is steak." from Fran Lebowitzyou control: lightning
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anime, Friends, dragons, fire, kinky, furry, metal, Bleach, tigers Motorcycles, trucks, sci-fi, video games, Gundam, HavingFun, rp, swords, explosions, armor, Firearms, sports cars, monster trucks, Armoredcore, BloodyRoar
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Angel's Cliffside Tavern

1562 posting dari 82 anggota
Home sweet home...
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Pet and feed Sparky while your here will ya? I should say someting important to all my visitors... Welcome guests
Daftar Keinginanku
This is my shopping and intrest list when I get creds. So in short... ME WANTEY!!!
Iron Armor Bundlenezumi haori kimonoIcy Steel KimonoAnimated Desert Eagle FAnimated Desert Eagle
Silver Dragon Skin (F)(BS) MU03: Plasma Gun[Sc] Good Vs Evil Posesdragon girlHover Board -Male v1c
animated male 5 kicksBuckled Long Coat MQuartz Ayu v2Stalking Preysticker.dragon-love
[VN]ROCKER POSESL:Hyunshin-SilverRomantic couche2spacerspacer
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