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Avatar sejak: 2006-09-21
Umur: 46
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"I like where we are...here"

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I will not be on for a while as real life has gotten very busy lately.

FYI--My name is referring to my occupation-Pharmacy Technician. I am NOT promoting the use or distribution of Illegal Drugs.

If you are visitor number 5000 on my page, send me a screenshot of the page with your avatar in the appropriate spot.

Good luck!!!!!

If you are looking for credits try browsing the new products page or playing Free Spin.............. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

M is for Musical
I is for Irresistible
C is for Cynical
H is for Hot
E is for Explosive
L is for Logical
L is for Loving
E is for Explosive
103.5 The Pirate's Madd Dogg Keni Watkins...The BEST pirate ever:P

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Arachnia in CaramelArachnia in BlackArachnia in Blue
Arachnia in Fire RedMidnight GlitterPretty Pink Glitter
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