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Avatar since: 22/07/2008

Age: 33
United States - NM
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there is one word that will hurt us..give questions..give little awnsers..and haunt us.....why.
Status Hubungan: Sendiri
Mencari: Pertemanan
hey im jake im bi yes that means that i lik both men nd gurlz nd if yew wanna kno nething more just ask meh oh nd LEAVE A DAMN MESSAGE BETCH!!! SKULL Pictures, Images and Photos
dance like teh stick dude do teh bow chicka wow wow xD

scene Pictures, Images and Photos scene Pictures, Images and Photos scene Pictures, Images and Photos scene Pictures, Images and Photos
BLACK, green, Random, music, emo, cookie, drums, frends, crazyness, Neon, Patrying, hotpink
Orang spesial
JurassicJake tidak memiki seseorang yang spesial.

omfg is keli lol this chick ish lik cute to teh max lol hmm well not rlly shire wat tew type here but lik wer ar bffl so if yew piss her off i get pissed (then again i get pissed off bcus i dont get things lol) well yea BURRITO!
well first off this chick ish annoying as hell she can piss of meh ( she doesnt care) but she 1 of meh besties lol i pick teh best frendz dont i?
Hubungi saya
HEY PEOPLE THIS BELOW IS ABOUT ME!!!!! READ IT IF YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything About You Survey

Personal Information
First Name//: jake
Age//: 16
Gender//: male
Nickname(s)//: marshmellow steve-o jackass and manwhore
Hair Color//: black
Hair Style//: emo
Eye Color//: brownish
What is your favorite
Color//: black
Game//: idk
Song//: the star that destroyed us all -a static lulaby
Music Video//: idk
Animal//: white tiger
Sport//: skateboarding
Country//: usa
Movie//: ne scary movies
Food//: chineese
Best//: bre
Funniest//: lee lee
Coolest//: ed
Sweetest//: amanda
Kindest//: none
Annoyingest//: idk
Dullest//: brain (or is that brian?)
Stupidest//: bre
Most Intelligent//: none
Athletic//: brian(if watching counts)
Boy(Girl)friend//: none =\
Are you in love right now//: yes
Do you have a crush//: yes
Do you have a stalker//: idk r yew?
Do you miss someone right now//: yea =\
What do you do
At school//: same old same old
At home//: imvu
Outside//: skateboard
When you first wake up//: take a shower
What _____do you hate
Food//: pork
Color//: none
Hair color//: none
Tv show//: mr smart show
Clothing style//: gansta nd prep
Movie//: none
Emotions Right Now
Are You Happy Right Now//: no
Sad//: yea
Grumpy//: no
Annoyed//: no
Angry//: a lil
Sick//: no
Lonely//: yea =(
Bored//: yea
Have you ever
Made your own religion//: yea (music
Written backwards//: aey(yea)
Written your own magazine//: no
Drawn art//: yea
Got angry with a game//: yea
Played Lacrosse//: no
Broken a bone//: everyday
Dyed your hair//: yea
Put in contacts for no reason//: no
Swam alone//: yea
Things that come to mind when you read...
Intelligentence//: Intelligentence//
Stupidity//: Stupidity//
Depress//: Depress//
Blood//: Blood//
Blue//: Blue//
Gray//: Gray//
Sword//: Sword//
Golf//: Golf//
Soccer//: Soccer//
Yellow//: Yellow//
Socks//: Socks//
Ribbon//: Ribbon//
Random Questions
Play Sports, if so, what ones//: no
Have a lot of friends//: not rlly
write good//: nope
Eat a lot//: no
Like the day Friday//: yea
Like the month December//: fav month
Do you(or are you)
(DY)Give good advice//: no
(DY)Talk crap//: sumtimes
(DY)Play a lot of games//: depends wat kinda of game yewr talkin bout ;]
(DY)Wear hats//: yea
(DY)Like to be outside//: kinda
(AY) Always mad//: no
(AY) Always happy//: no
(AY) A good friend//: kinda(not rlly)
This or that (Last questions)
Night or day//: night
Snow or Rain//: snow
Stars or the Moon//: moon
Ocean or Pool//: pool
Boat or Plane//: plane
Books or Magazines//: bookz
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards or Pokemon Cards//: pokemon
Blonde or Black Hair//: black
Green or Blue Eyes//: blue
Pants or Shorts//: pants
Pop or Rock//: rock
Punk or Emo//: emo
Tatoos or Piercings//: piercings
Necklace or Ring//: necklace
Clouds or No Clouds//: cloud
Art or Literature//: ar
Jeans or Baggy Pants//: jeans
Singing or Dancing//: idk
March or May//: none
Halloween or Christmas//: halloween
Coke or Pepsi//: coke
Hug or Kiss//: both ;]

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hey if yew can get meh a giftie nd ill be yewr bestie
Livebeat #White LED=D shutter shades: white*P* Seamen Spirit[GM] Poison OREOD-BndK
Electric Grey/Sharingon[E]Any skin EyeLinerspacerspacerspacer
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