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Avatar sejak: 2007-02-15
Umur: 56
Amerika Serikat - TX
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"Gokigenyou ~_^"

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Ok folks, crunch time here! Check out my blog for details on the latest develpoments in Tail Club. Things are heating up again and I need some community support if I'm gonna pull this off. I've missed you all, and I'm glad to be back and working toward my dream of serving the furry community ^_^
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I'm Furry (Kwooky Womble version) by Kurrel the Raven
Status Hubungan: Berpacaran
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Tail Club... The tail club originally got its start in Yuriba as a place for furries of various types to hang out. Kitu wanted to build a place "by furries, for furries" because she had noticed that certain humans tended to ridicule and discriminate against non-humans. This idea has grown a bit since I started it, and now Lizz and I have hit on the concept of creating a game company based on the tail club philosophy... That is, Games BY furries, FOR furries. I have some programming experience, but it's woefully out of date...Still, I at least grasp the basic concepts of writing a program and I'm familiar with object oriented coding. That means I can't write the programs, but I can work well WITH a programmer when designing a game. Lizz is currently learning some programming, as well as several other skills related to game design, and if we can find a few more people who are interested, maybe we can actually get this off the ground ^_^ If you're a furry artist, programmer, game designer, or writer, and you're interested in joining us, please leave a message and let me know a little about what you can bring to the table. I look forward to hearing from you ^_^ PS, the forum is currently down, but I hope to secure hosting of my own sometime in the near future. Until then, check back here for news, and updates on the Beta release of our newest game (slated for around new year's) ------Update on that new game.------ Work will start fresh on the game as soon as we secure the staff we need. All new format, 3D MORPG folks! ^_^ Things are looking up, but we need YOUR help! myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
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