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Avatar since: 19/06/2007

Age: 31
United States - NY
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Let Them Eat Cake!
Hey This is Angel. Long time no talk i guess. It has been maybe a year sense the last time i rearranged this hur page so i think maybe its about time. Lets start from the basics i suppose. I am 17 turning 18 July 30th which i guess is pretty spiffy. It seems the only time i log onto this website is when im bored. I am basically madly in love with this boy Billy, he says he loves me too but we aren't dating. Our relationship is kind of confusing and rele messed up. He has messed with me about 3 times, did the same thing 3 times. He wud talk to me and love everything about me and then the next day he wud try to forget about me, i guess because he is afraid to hurt me. He def. is afraid to hurt me this time because he is moving away and i might not ever see him again. Something i did realize is he has never done this to anyother girls, just me. My friend says its because theres something about me and hes afraid to committ because with me, thats a big possibly because ik i wud do anything for him. Ik you prolly dont care about my life story but oh well. Leave messages and such if you'd like to get to know me, im pretty interesting and such sooo have at it^^.

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