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Avatar since: 12/08/2008

Age: 33
United States - WA
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Hello, How may I haunt you?
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Chatting
Daftar Keinginanku

Each and every gift given is greatly appreciated, and welcomed!! (: Thanks!!
~V~Sweety Dress BlackPurple RavePurple Balinda~mih~ purplePurple Hair Sofie
:D::LIGURIA:ClubSofa1PS Rave Sofa[S] SimpleSport. Shorts[U] F| Reptar CoupleBlack Taci Hair .!.
YoYO-Cut3*Hair Rainbow PonytailMidnight ~FurkiniMidnight Tiger ~SkinMidnight Tiger ~Ears
Midnight Tiger ~TailMidnight ~Big PawsMidnight ~Fur CuffsMidnight Tiger ~Clawsspacer
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Please do not add me before at least saying Hi first.

On Another note I felt like I needed to mention that this IS a game and I take it as that, I do enjoy just a simple conversation here and there (;
I do have limits and things I am just NOT INTO PERIOD. Please respect that and dont invite me to chat pursing or looking for a play partner in such areas.

**Non Negiatable** *Anything to do w. children (unless its daddy/daughter play ect.)
*anything permanent

Things I am interested in go as follows:

NOT JUST S.E.X *NothingSerious* Adults BloodSports Biting BSDM Control Eyes Femdom Furries Ghouls Gore Haunt Intimacy Kisses Laughing Monsters Modification Obey Passion Piercings Pinup Smoking Submission Switch Tattoos Women Wovles Zombies
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