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Avatar sejak: 2005-09-22
Umur: 39
Amerika Serikat - AZ
Terakhir masuk:

"welcome to my darkness"

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Status Hubungan: Berpacaran
About me:
well now i am a freaky kinda person that everyone seems to love O_< i have an overwhelming tendancy to travel all around the united states i mean seriously i have been liveing out of my suitcases since 1995 at the age of 11 so ya never know you might have seen me at one point from then till now. i have a hyper and completely twisted personality i love the darkness so don't shine a flash light on my you might not get your hand back hehehehe i love makeing new friends it is just hard leaveing them when i end up going to another state but hey i still try to keep in contact but sometimes that can be kinda difficult with all the moveing that i do so yeah i try ^_^ well anyway (getting sidetracked) i think i should leve the rest of the info on me for ppl who decide that they want to get to know me if your not scared of me muhahahaha cuz i know i can be scary LOL MySpace Layouts

Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

Who I'd like to meet:
peoples yes peoples rock i like to meet everyone that i can and i love the corruption that i instill on them hehehehehe *grins evily*
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