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Avatar sejak: 2005-09-12
Age: 37
Kerajaan Inggris
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Hello.. My name is Matt. I live in a relatively small village near Newcastle and i have lived here all my life. I love metal.. As you can probably tell by the rest of my profile. I love all kinds of metal[Apart from nu-metal] But in particular i am a fan of Melodic Death metal. Ever since i heard the band In Flames i have been intrigued with the genre.. So much so that it has took over about 50% of my brain.. O.o. My friends mean a hell of a lot to me.. I have quite a few friends but there are only about 3 or 4 who i would consider to be good friends and it is them that mean so much.
This be me. I look moody. But then again i do on most of my photos. =]
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I, Voyager
I'm going to see this band LIVE on the 17th of September!! Oh yes..
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