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Avatar sejak: 2005-08-29
Age: 40
United States - AR
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"Allo from the crazy cat in a twisted rabbit hole"

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Status Hubungan: Berpacaran
Mencari: Pertemanan
About me:
I'm easy going and fun loving. I don't judge people until I really know them. I don't hold grudges and I forgive easily. Why hold onto a hurt? I don't see a reason to stay upset about things and I always try to see the best in everything. I love art of all kinds. I draw anime. Love all types of music. I write poetry. I paint and sculpt. I enjoy the goth and punk genre. I don't dress goth very often, but love the look and enjoy dressing that way when I get the chance. Punk is what I really get into. I am loving the fact that all the old movies that I watched when I was little, and have always loved, are making a come-back. Movies like Labrynth, Dark Crystal, Legend, and The Princess Bride. Another all time favorite is Rocky Horror Picture Show. I love the mystical things, fairies, pixies, elves, dragons, unicorns and other such creatures. And I love the old 80s and early to mid 90s cartoons. He-Man, She-Ra, Care Bears, Rainbow Brite, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles..just to name a few. My nickname is Cheshire. I just LOVE Alice in Wonderland. The book, the disney movie, and the pc game Alice.
Who I'd like to meet:
Anne Rice, Gwen Stefani, Christopher Walken, Jack Nicholson, Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, Nicole Kidman, Amy Lee, Madonna, Danny Elfman, Davie Bowie, Jennifer Love Hewitt. Lots of people inspire me, this is just a select few.
Evanescence, No Doubt, Green Day, 3 Doors Down, Bonnie McKee, Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Blondie, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ace of Base, Paul Simon, Enya, Boomkat, Janet Jackson, Christina Aguilera, Seether, Jason Mraz, Oingo Boingo, Aaliyah, Bush, The Start, Coheed & Cambria, Story Of The Year, Taking Back Sunday
Moulin Rouge, Old School, Cruel Intentions, Underworld, Anger Management ("I feel pretty, Oh so pretty..... " ROTFLMAO), The Fifth Element, Van Helsing, Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas. Sleepy Hollow, Batman and Batman Returns, Labrynth, Dark Crystal, Legend, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and The Princess Bride
Farscape, X-Files, Star Trek (TNG) (Voyager) (some DS9), Dr. Who (mostly with Tom Baker), Smallville, American Chopper, Overhaulin, Forever Knight
Anne Rice (any of her books), Harry Potter, The Lord of The Rings, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz (and the many books that followed it, yes there are many many more), my 1914 copy of Household Stories from the collection of the bros. Grimm (yes, I love the old dark fairy tales from Grimm), The Chronicles of Narnia, The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon, Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper Case Closed (for some reason I'm fasinated with Jack the Ripper), Piercing the Darkness: Undercover with Vampires in America Today, Frankenstien, Peter Pan, Eragon, The Dragon Riders of Pern, and much much more.
My mama. I don't care if people think that is corny. She's my best friend, I hope that when I have kids I treat them like she did my brother and I. Her and daddy have always been there for us. They've been the perfect example of a perfect marriage.
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