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🦇Baby bat🦇
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Hes my bsf and always will be, he was there for me in the start and still is, Hurt him and you will be sorry;) I love him so god damn much, and would do anything for him. Hes so special to me and through thick and thin he always will be. He means the world to me, he always finds a way to cheer someone up! Ilysm bsf!
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Gothic Dress + Tattoos*G* White Belt Dressrock graphic teešŸŒø White Lace Top[T] Kawaii yandere
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Hes Mineā™” Cutout - anime couple boy girl pink love cutep. background animated + cutout (next and mobile)CJ Ani CutOut Bg Outfit 52yandere me šŸ’”
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