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Avatar since: 01/02/2007

Age: 47
United States - NY
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Do not mess with the affairs of Dragons for you are crunchy and taste good dipped in catsup.
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Chatting

How's this for a Drow?

This is me dressed up as a Drow. You can click on the preview image to see a larger, more detailed view of it. The prosthetics, makeup, and costume were done by me.

I am an artist and designer of NOVABLADE Studios. I offer freelance illustration, design, graphics, custom website programming & design and more!

Photography by WraithWire.

Also feel free to check out my Deviantart Page:


Thanks to everyone for their support. You've helped us to succeed. Please visit my website NOVABLADE Studios.


(Yes, I know dragons are incredibly powerful but I'm not out to kill people's avatars.
Just to have fun.)
I am not just limited to Dungeons & Dragons style Roleplay, either.
I am open to any kind of free-form RP.

NAME: El'Colesh
NICKNAME: L' Olath' Phish Jallil
(Drow: The Dark Red Lady), Or Lady Garnet
RACE: Deep Dragon
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
CLASS: Warrior/Mage
HOMELAND: Underdark

Hero Abilities Package - Dragon, Deep

Deep Dragon

Deep Dragon Racial Package

Conversion Notes: This package represents the minimum abilities of a young (16 to 25 year old) deep dragon from the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons role playing game. All powers with the "only in hero ID" limitation cannot be used in humanoid form, but can be used as a giant winged snake. This write-up uses Champions 5th edition rules.

Deep dragons, also called dragons of the depths or maroon dragons, are one of the smaller, highly intelligent and rarer dragon types. Although it can survive in any climate, it prefers the deep undeground. They can breath a cone of flesh corrosive gas or attack with their powerful claws and bite. Three times a day a deep dragon can assume the form of a giant winged snake. It cal also assume any humanoid form three times a day. They are resistant to heat and cold attacks, as well as being immune to sleep, charm and hold spells. They can see through illusions and detect magic at will.

Although generally considered an evil race of dragons, player characters can play any alignment. The major enemies of the deep dragon include cloakers and mind flayers.

Deep dragons are little known on the surface world. They are the hunters of the Underdark. Cunning and patient, they place their survival, followed by their joy of hunting, above all else. Deep dragons carefully amass and hide treasure in various caches, guarded with traps and magic. They are able to use most magical items. Deep dragons are an iridescent maroon when they hatch, soft-scaled, and unable to change form. They keep to their birth-lair until they have mastered both of their other forms.

Their favorite food is fish. Like most dragons they can live for over 1000 years, sense the presence of invisible things, see in the dark, are immune to sleep and hold spells, and have large wings which allow flight.

  • Ability
    • Armor - 5 resistant ED and PD, only in hero ID (-1/4) - Cost 15/12
    • Characteristics - +20 STR, only in hero ID (-1/4) - Cost 20/16
    • Characteristics - +5 STR, +5 CON, +4 BODY, +6 INT, +5 EGO, +4 PRE - Cost 43
    • Damage Reduction (Resistant Heat and Cold) - 25% resistant ED, only vs. heat/fire/cold/ice (-1/2) - Cost 15/10
    • Elemental Control "Dragon Powers" Reserve - 22 point, only in hero ID (-1/4) - Cost 22/18
    • A. Flight (Wings) - 30 inches, restrainable (-1/2) - Cost 60/22
    • B. Killing Attack: Hand-To-Hand (claws and bite) - 2D6 damage, reduced endurance - 0 END (+1/2), restrainable (-1/2) - Cost 45/13
    • C. Killing Attack: Ranged (Cone of Flesh Corrosive Gas Breath) - 8D6 damage, area of effect - cone (+1), personal immunity (+1/4), charges - 16 (+0), no range (-1/2), restrainable (-1/2), limited power - can only be used once a minute (-1), limited power - only vs. flesh (-1/4), limited power - does not work under water (-1/4) - Cost 270/72
    • Enhanced Senses - +3 to all perception rolls, mental awareness, night vision, spatial awareness - Cost 39
    • Enhanced Senses (Detect Magic) - sense magic, ranged, as a sense - Cost 10
    • Knockback Resistance - 4 inches, only in hero ID (-1/4) - Cost 8/6
    • Life Support - longevity - does not age - Cost 5
    • Mental Defense - 30 points, only vs. mental illusions power, sleep, charm and hold magic (-1/2) - Cost 30/20
    • Multipower Reserve - 44 point reserve, extra time - 1 turn (-1) - Cost 44/22
    • Multipower Slot - Shape Shift - giant winged snake, sight and touch senses, charges - 3 lasting 24 hours (+3/4) - Cost 26/1
    • Multipower Slot - Shape Shift - can become any humanoid, sight and touch senses, imitation, charges - 3 lasting 24 hours (+3/4) - Cost 44/2
    • Running - +2 inches - Cost 4
    • Stretching - 1 inch, reduced endurance - 0 END (+1/2), always direct (-1/4), no non-combat stretching (-1/4), only in hero ID (-1/4) - Cost 7/4
    • Swimming - +4 inches - Cost 4
    • Tunneling - 3 inches, only in hero ID (-1/4) - Cost 15/12
    • Language: Dragonese (native) - Cost 0
  • Optional
    • Universal Translator - INT +5 or less, spoken language only (-1/2) - Cost 25/17
  • Disadvantage
    • Combat Levels - -2 DCV, only in hero ID (-1/4) - Cost -10/-8
    • Distinctive Features - adept, small group, noticed - Cost -5
    • Distinctive Features - deep dragon, easily concealable, major reaction - Cost -15
    • Hunted - by anti-monster forces, 8 or less, as powerful - Cost -10
    • Physical Limitation - 14' tall and 800 kg, sometimes, greatly - Cost -10
    • Psych Limitation - covetous and greedy, common, strong - Cost -15
    • Quirk - Likes to eat exotic fish. - Cost -1
    • Quirk - Prefers to live deep under ground. - Cost -1
    • Reputation - powerful monster, 14 or less, extreme - Cost -20
    • Rivalry - with other dragons - Cost -5

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