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Age: 61
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Hi, I love comments and I promise I will try to reply to everyone that leaves one. I am here to enhance my circle of friends, so while I am not available alot for a lot chat right now...( i am learning to be a developer) Please feel free to add me as a friend, but only if you think i am the type you would like to be friends with. I will clean out my friends list about every three months, and will remove those that I have had no contact with in that time...Not a bitch just trying to keep it all please leave a message...and maybe a friendship will follow Hugs and Peace to you
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Hi, if you would like to buy me a little present, that would be very sweet of you. I love to give gifts, and do so often and at random, but please dont beg for them, I myself am on disability and on a limited income, and pretty much like to limit my gift giving to those who are friends, or to thank someone for a kind deed.In fact the biggest chance of getting a gift from me, has to do with your own generosity box...i dislike those who are takers and not givers, if your give column is larger than your take column you can bet your chances are so much better at getting a gift from me.... I believe in karma....I do feel bad for those of you who cant afford to get your you log on to the new products every day to get points? do you play the slot for your free pull each day.? I cant give gifts to every person who cant get them....then i would have none...... Maybe one day when i become a world famous developer....LOL.....i will be able to throw gifts away to everyone who comes along, but thats quite a ways down the road, if ever....... I wish you Peace, Love and Happiness and give you Hugs Randi Marie aka Dinky 27

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