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I\'m me, Deal with it!
Status Hubungan: Lajang
Hi every1 I consider myself good friend i'll listen to problems and try to help with any problems.I am totally horse crazy. I'll listen to any music that isn't 2 heavy and i hate techno i listen to mostly alternative rock and rock. Well luv ya have a good time and remember check out my pics. <3 <3 <3 :-) ;-D I have some vids on slaughter on my youtube account and personally i think NOTHING DESERVES WHAT THESE ANIMALS GO THROUGH AND NO1 KNOWS HOW MUCH I FREAKING HATE ANY1 THAT COULD DO THAT TO THEM *animals dont get to choose the ppl in their lives for them it's all chance**ppl like that make me sick*<3<3<3 :-) ;-D My qoute: Life's to short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truely, Laugh uncontrollably ,And never regret anything that made you smile!!!<3 ;-D Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance!!!<3 :-) all my friends remember i luv u and hope to not have to forget you!!!<3 ;-D and every1 remember "We do not own the earth the earth owns us the earth and everthing in it is like a spider web whatever we do to the web we do to ourselves if we pull a thread in the web then the entire web will fall.
ANIMOLOGY!!!! (find your inner animal and your soul mate)
Colour Animal : Yellow Fish*****Status in your group of friends: The Comforter*****Likes: hugging people, comforting everyone, keeping secrets, listening to other peoples problems and helping them.*****Dislikes: seeing people upset, not being able to help somebody, getting a bad grade, getting yelled at, hurting somebody.*****Other: you are the comforter of the group you like to help everybody and anybody with their problems whether or not you get anything back, you like to hug people to make them feel better and you try hard to get good grades.*****Animal Soul Mate: Green Frog
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What is your connection with darkness? [pics]

Your connection with darkness is through your depression. Hated, sad and often feeling lonely, there is only a few that appreciate the real you. You tend to keep to yourself and away from the world since you don't want to be hurt and betrayed again. Music gives you the understanding you need to get through; it's your "therapy". Or you express yourself through art or writing to get emotional releases. Chances are you're also an anti-social person, who only enjoys spending time with close friends, if even that. The world has finally showed it's true face for you it feels, and you wish life wasn't this miserable to live through. Maybe you'll find happiness in the future, but right now you're simply hiding away from the world. Who needs people anyway?
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Teman-temanku (21)
Are you a loyal enough friend to make it to my friends list? Well look at some of the ppl who are.
What's Your Inner Beast? [pics]

The Werewolf:

The Werewolf is the symbol for Spiritual Paths. You have the soul of a wolf inside you, which makes you warm and caring to those you love.

Strengths: Protection is a number one priority, and therefore you always gaurd the ones you love and keep tight bonds with your pack mates. Loyalty is strong within yourself, and you also expect it from the ones who are close to you.

Flip Side: Even though you care for those you love deeply, if they betray you, anger races through your veins. The Werewolf, despite it's warm fun-loving personality, can also stand up for itself if need be. You would have no problem hiding your anger if something sets you off balance.

Congratulations! You have a Werewolf inside!

pic (c) Christy Grandjean aka GoldenWolfen

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so deadly cold true... now u know
***Wolf's Rain - Sound The Bugle*** Sound The Bugle-Lyrics- Sound the bugle now - play it just for me ***** As the seasons change - Remember how I used to be ***** Now I cant go on - I cant even start*****I've got nothing left just an empty heart ********** I'm a soldier - Wounded so I must give up the fight ***** There's nothing more for me - Lead me away... or leave me lying here ********** Sound the bugle now - Tell them I dont care ***** There's not a road I know - That leads to anywhere ***** Withouth a light I fear that I will - stumble in the dark ***** Lay right down - Decide not to go on ********** Then from on hight - somewhere in the distance ***** There's a voice that calls - remember who you are ***** If you lose yourself - your courage soon will follow ********** So be strong tonight - remember who you are ***** Yaaa you're a soldier now - Fighting in a battle ***** To be free once more - Yaaa that's worth fighting for.
Friends, fire, Libra, horses, music, emo, Bleach, animals, guys, jojo, Chatting, United States, Animal Rights, My Chemical Romance, linkin park, avril lavign
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DevilsEmoAngel tidak memiki seseorang yang spesial.
What wise quote fits you? [pics]

Your wise quote is: "The best antiques are old friends" by Unknown...
Your buds is the source of your happiness (maybe not all but still). Even if it's just one, a couple or a whole group they are the ones you can't wait to see. It does not matter if you're shy with everyone else or not, with them you let your true spirit shine and can be as loud as you want. They accept you, and you love them for that.
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****************Plaidchicken is the first person i met on this account and we've stayed friends since she's so kewl and nice we talk all the time. She's Helped me through alot and i thank her so much for always being there for me*******************Freedomawaits23 Is a really nice person we hang out alot when he's on and he is just an awesome person to ask for advice. **************** faerielover3 her and plaidchicken have helped me through alot lately and i wish they knew how thankful i was to them******************Gisel821 is awesome she's so kewl and just fun to hang out with.*****************lookATu where do i start? he's so kewl he is also one of the miracle workers who managed to put up with me and keep me alive when i was down thank you so much! its hard to find a friend like him ****************littleemodude o gawd there aren't many friends as good as this person you are really lucky if you get to know him he just so kewl and nice he also helped me when i was down***************xXTexasPrincessXx she stayed with me through the night several times to keep me talking so i wasn't doing anything self destructive to myself she's awesome its hard to find a friend like her as well*************** ************You Love him You really do with all your heart, You wish you could tell him or show him how much you do love him, this is true love. *Thats the score i got on a quiz********** ~~~~~~~~~~~~***Simba-[Pretty Ricky]-Love Like Honey***~~~~~~~~~~~
Smile because i'm happy i know you in the first place then cry because i love you and you dont understand how much or you dont understand enough to know i mean it every word of it!!!
~~~~***Simba & Nala Are Lovers and Friends***~~~~
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hope they realize they are the only one and wait for them no matter how long it takes.
awesome might come in handy
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mhmm but not really idc as long as they luvz mee!!!


Grupku Lihat Grup IMVU!
IMVU Layouts
Seven Minutes In HEAVEN (Naruto v.1)
SasukesexysasukeI growled staring at the card.'Great I got emo-motion.' He smirked and entered the closet."IF YOU TOUCH HIM!"Sakura yelled."WE'LL KILL YOU!" Ino finished. Some one pushed me in the closet before anything else happened.I slid down to the floor.Warm breath fanned my neck. I held perfectly still, just feeling Sasuke's presence. I growled."What's wrong,scared?" He chuckled. I frowned,"Hell no.""You should be,"He replied darkly. I rolled my eyes.Sasuke pressed my wrist against the the wall, pinning me."What the," I started but Sasuke covered my mouth with his.I couldn't help resisting, Sasuke was a damn good kisser. After about a minute he kissed rougher.He rubbed my arms with his free hand, roaming to my back and stomach. He nipped my lower lip. I smirked, broke the kiss and looked away. He smirked (not that I could see) and made towards me. I grinned thoroughly enjoying myself and looked the other way. Fully determined, Sasuke put both his hands on my face and forced my mouth open. My tongue fought with his when. The "wall" (cough door cough) opened. I fell on my back with Sasuke on top. Light blinded me. A random girl says "EEK MY EYES MY VIRGIN EYES!" Sakura and Ino looked like murdering me. They pulled me from under him, eyes aflame. I glared at the two, before someone landed a blow Sasuke pulled me away by my waist."SASUKE-KUN! SHE'S AFTER YOUR VIRGINITY!!!!!!!" They whined. A random girl says "MY EARS MY VIRGIN EARS".Still in her fox form she crawled into Kiba's jacket, whining.I smirked to Sasuke, who gave me a wink, and the two of us started to make out again. The two scoffed and had a miserable time. ME AND SASUKE ARE DATING!!!XD
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** eMo **

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Save our animals

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The Lives of Punk Rockers and emos

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~~Project Runway~~

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(SSU) Soul Society United Recruiting

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Voices for Animals

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surside X3

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