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This user has no badges available for auto granting.
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Avatar since: 14/07/2007

Age: 44
Last log on:

Hello! Everyone AGE Im 50 joce 42
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship


Dave William

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"Hello I'm Dave as Dave351v8"
Now our Id is DAVEandJoce
Avatar since: 07/14/07
Male Age: 45 - Age Verified on
my other id that I'm not
using anymore Dave3518
Last log on: 00/00/10 check this Id
Relationship Status: In a Relationship for over 12 months july 14 2007
Orientation: Straight
Looking For: Chatting"
"Hi !! Hope You Like my HP"
"I Have a rather large hp so it may take some time to load on slow computers / or Slow internet ..
And if you HP Says This homepage has been marked as private by its owner. , I wont Waste My time and yours ESP My
time to message anyone that
Has that on there HP

AND For Those People That Chat with me and Ask for Gift after 2 Minutes of chat then 3 min later have to go , , DONT ever Expect A gift After 5 min Chat , 5 min just aint gonna cut it in my book.

Spider Web

IMVU Professional Creator Info left on link at bottom
of this Developer Writing and displayed here

IMVU used to have a two tier Creator system : There used to be a tier for Professional Creators and a tier for everyone else.
The original purpose of the two tier system was to allow IMVU to bubble the best content to the front of the catalog because
we wanted new users to see beautiful products that actually worked. As the Creator community submitted more and better
content to the catalog, the Pro program morphed from there to contain different perks like reduced submission fees and
catalog sub-category creation. Creators were awarded Professional status who had shown excellence in aesthetics,
branding, credits earned and number of sales.

The old, two tier program has been retired for two reasons. The first is that it will not scale with IMVU's phenomenal growth.
The second reason is that, after taking surveys and speaking with members of the community, it was felt that this was
not a fair system to all Creators. So a new, automated Tier advancement system is being created.

The Professional Creator program is being phased out in favor of the new, automated Tier advancement system.
All Creators that were awarded Pro status before the new system was put in place will be automatically
grandfathered into the new system at an equivalent tier to pro. After that initial ranking, they will be held
accountable to the same requirements as other Creators in order to keep their Tier. More details will be
forthcoming as we prepare for the full release of the program.

 IMVU Professional Creator Info Page


Hello Anyone having Badge Moving
Problem If you are using IE8 Internet Explorer 8
Run IE8 GoTo Tools Compatibility Views Settings
and Add Then Ok that
When in Compatibility View
with internet explorer 8 Is Raise the Hp Bigger
Then you can go to Your Badges
and move them After you finished
Remove Compatibility View
As it Makes everything Bigger
on ur hp Stickers Everything
For any Other IE Versions I have no idea

I dont Cyber

contact Me Dave or Joce .

DAVEandJoce info below

Hubungi saya


DAVEandLILY Long Black Long Black

My Pic


live sticker

My Pc

"Click Here or The Pic to message me "Dave @ DAVEandLILY"

Message me

"Click Here or The Pic to message anything to Lily @ angelonlinecn"

Message me

Click Here or lilys Pic to go to her angelonlinecn HP"


WickedlyDevilish Products! CLICK HERE!!

"My Time in Melbourne Victoria Australia 3001"

Please read this before you leave a message.... If You ever see those "Send this message to 10 people and press Alt+Ctrl to get 8,000,000 credits!" or something similar? Well believe it or not, those chain letters are fake beyond belief. They don't work! If they did, IMVU would be out of business by now and no one would be here. So please don't pass them on, it's pointless and just dirties up web pages. Trust me. So feel free to leave me a message below, but please not about how I can earn millions of credits. It's against the Terms of Service if you post those messages, and if someone reports you - you will get banned from IMVU. I don't want to see any more people get banned from lack of knowledge.

SAMPLE FAKE SPAM MESSAGE "Hi if u need more credits copy this message and send it to 14 people and when your done press f4 and u will get 8,000,000 credits and it really works"

buddies  only or  private .My Time in Melbourne Victoria Australia 3000

hubungi pesan tambahkan kontak selanjutnya Blokir
Daftar Keinginanku

Please read this ..


Hello If your HP is blocked By Private or Adult Access pass Only Not everone can contact you to thank you for visiting there hp ..... , x


"My wish list is mainly a reference for myself. I put products here that I want so I can get to them easily when I decide to buy them. Gifts are very sweet and always appreciated, but never an obligation."

And all the girly products are for my girfriend lily and the male products are for ME . anythings else is for Both of us , Thanks to anyone who buys us something nice ,, do not worry if you cant , its not a problem ,

My Pic

C50 Walnut Steps w posesIMVU Gift Wrapping Tablepink top[CP]Sexy VoGue Black[CP]Sexy VoGue White
[CP]Sexy VoGue Gray[AS1] Lantern Roof VillaKA PETE FLAT BED~nau~Scarlet Oace Black n Gold Floatie
B.L' F| Red TopShort v3Short v4Beach Housesexy shoes 2010


Hello This is my 1st Room on IMVU
Furnished rooms 2
BackDrop Scenes Room 1
and I have 175 more Room's & 37 locked rooms....
but Not All the Rooms In Locked Area Are locked
Some Are open to add Furnature. So its a total of 215 Rooms ...
My Recent Visitors (0)


Pakaianku View latest
IMVU Inc IMVU Inc New Pic Photobucket
..All The Girly Stuff Our Wish List Is My girlfriend lilys and All Male stuff Is mine
Dave , and anythinking else Like rooms Furnature Is for Both of us
since i brought AP , IMVU dont Take a lot of our Stuff away anymore..

?? ??? 08 whats next to go i wonder IMVU thieves I WONDER HOW MANY PEOPLE ON IMVU ARE PISSED OFF

What I cant work out I Have AP Im a VIP and is anything is Re Rated
due to improperly rated in imvu's catalog From G to AP Why is is taken away ,
IMVU Treating us ADULTS Just like Children

Taken Away Gone List :
11/17/08 IMVU inc. Sticker - 'face down--- ass up'
11/24/08 IMVU inc. 'Chee: AJ 12' due to improperly rated in imvu's catalog
11/24/08 IMVU inc.'Chee: AJ 8"' due to improperly rated in imvu's catalog
12/15/08 IMVU inc. '!E! Spread it!' "Pose" purchase price 1568 Credit's due to improperly rated in imvu's catalog.../
12/22/08 IMVU inc. Sticker , 'Christmasfever2' - 451 Credit's.../
Some time in end of 2008 IMVU took another pose Crawling Pose ,
3/23/2009 Inventory, 'Panties', price of 314 credits
As i was a bit Slack in getting the info , Now message been deleted
Off my hp Due to Lots of messages

UPDATE If you buy The AP Adult pass then Imvu
Give all the stuff back to you, as when i brought the AP i got everything back...
EXCEPT For All the Product That Change from AP To Nothing there gone deleted ,,
And Thats Usualy Only Stuff that Was GA and Looked like AP or AP that were
God knows What Bec There Gone ............................................................

Grupku Lihat Grup IMVU!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Cant be Bothered with Groups
Any more,i dont even bother
reading any
not enough
hours in a day
gambar grup
Big Trucks!

65 posting dari 57 anggota
gambar grup
::**the Most $exy Girl$ IMVU ^^:**

3 posting dari 8 anggota
gambar grup
V8 Supercars Supporters

95 posting dari 53 anggota
gambar grup

11 posting dari 21 anggota
gambar grup
The PBDesigns Fan Club

12689 posting dari 992 anggota
gambar grup
Chimera Developers

92 posting dari 75 anggota
gambar grup
IMVU's Next Top Model Contests

1017 posting dari 411 anggota
gambar grup
Sexi people ONLY

221 posting dari 217 anggota
gambar grup

673 posting dari 95 anggota
gambar grup
Beautiful Creations<3

403 posting dari 104 anggota
Orang Baru Yang Menarik

End Of My HP but Extended for Future Stickers or Photo's

Black n white S

Where Do you think ur going No message "Hmmm THE REAL END OF MY HP" red strip "I Wonder If You will
leave a nice Message"
So many That Visit
Lots of Peoples pages
Dont Leave a message
And Some people
leave a message
on everyones HP .
So Please dont be
another Nobody Be Somebody

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Tidak ingin melihat iklan ini? Bergabung dengan Program VIP!
stiker_15084595_19326886 stiker_15084595_20371086 stiker_15084595_21527864 stiker_15084595_21903275 stiker_15084595_22081211 stiker_15084595_22105808 stiker_15084595_22106037 stiker_15084595_22116249 stiker_15084595_22124613 stiker_15084595_22322138 stiker_15084595_22525450 stiker_15084595_22525451 stiker_15084595_22536030 stiker_15084595_22753355 stiker_15084595_22781720 stiker_15084595_22787048 stiker_15084595_22987176 stiker_15084595_23317595 stiker_15084595_23321767 stiker_15084595_23440186 stiker_15084595_23663975 stiker_15084595_23705054 stiker_15084595_23784415 stiker_15084595_25065040 stiker_15084595_25065075 stiker_15084595_25065286 stiker_15084595_25065299 stiker_15084595_25067548 stiker_15084595_25082861 stiker_15084595_25083255 stiker_15084595_25125671 stiker_15084595_25127630 stiker_15084595_25199530 stiker_15084595_25418695 stiker_15084595_25619764 stiker_15084595_25667663 stiker_15084595_25752233 stiker_15084595_25752234 stiker_15084595_25793408 stiker_15084595_25793409 stiker_15084595_25868029 stiker_15084595_25906394 stiker_15084595_25906395 stiker_15084595_25906396 stiker_15084595_25906397 stiker_15084595_25906588 stiker_15084595_25962979 stiker_15084595_26078523 stiker_15084595_26129135 stiker_15084595_26129136 stiker_15084595_26129137 stiker_15084595_26129138 stiker_15084595_26198740 stiker_15084595_26198741 stiker_15084595_26198744 stiker_15084595_26240353 stiker_15084595_26240362 stiker_15084595_26240363 stiker_15084595_26241981 stiker_15084595_26241983 stiker_15084595_26241986 stiker_15084595_26241989 stiker_15084595_26241990 stiker_15084595_26241991 stiker_15084595_26241993 stiker_15084595_26248296 stiker_15084595_26248350 stiker_15084595_26248373 stiker_15084595_26248388 stiker_15084595_26278966 stiker_15084595_26300334 stiker_15084595_26332728 stiker_15084595_26368453 stiker_15084595_26751769 stiker_15084595_26899544 stiker_15084595_26950085 stiker_15084595_26984477 stiker_15084595_27005795 stiker_15084595_27669304 stiker_15084595_27922716 stiker_15084595_28088838 stiker_15084595_28088839 stiker_15084595_28089074 stiker_15084595_28089556 stiker_15084595_28273479 stiker_15084595_28273481 stiker_15084595_28274866 stiker_15084595_28274867 stiker_15084595_28794072 stiker_15084595_28794073 stiker_15084595_28794075 stiker_15084595_28794076 stiker_15084595_29191708 stiker_15084595_29191725 stiker_15084595_29454063 stiker_15084595_29508335 stiker_15084595_29675299 stiker_15084595_30096703 stiker_15084595_30096840 stiker_15084595_30165089 stiker_15084595_30237099 stiker_15084595_30278234 stiker_15084595_30613278 stiker_15084595_30613279 stiker_15084595_30613280 stiker_15084595_30613281 stiker_15084595_30613282 stiker_15084595_30613283 stiker_15084595_30616595 stiker_15084595_31211678 stiker_15084595_31211783 stiker_15084595_31542320 stiker_15084595_31655650 stiker_15084595_31655651 stiker_15084595_31963786 stiker_15084595_31963787 stiker_15084595_32188438 stiker_15084595_32546844 stiker_15084595_32926443 stiker_15084595_33263292 stiker_15084595_33263293 stiker_15084595_33263294 stiker_15084595_33263295 stiker_15084595_33263296 stiker_15084595_33263297 stiker_15084595_33472150 stiker_15084595_34329076 stiker_15084595_34386170 stiker_15084595_34463904 stiker_15084595_34463943 stiker_15084595_34662493 stiker_15084595_34677477
stiker_15084595_34702278 stiker_15084595_34897275 stiker_15084595_34979900 stiker_15084595_35111717 stiker_15084595_35310045 stiker_15084595_35310055 stiker_15084595_35310113 stiker_15084595_35311500 stiker_15084595_35397105 stiker_15084595_35441424 stiker_15084595_35454841 stiker_15084595_36543369 stiker_15084595_36543370 stiker_15084595_37134393 stiker_15084595_37795292 stiker_15084595_37795293 stiker_15084595_37795294 stiker_15084595_38210752 stiker_15084595_38712947
stiker_15084595_38985826 stiker_15084595_39023830 stiker_15084595_39300910
stiker_15084595_39539521 stiker_15084595_39539522 stiker_15084595_39539526 stiker_15084595_39571838 stiker_15084595_39571839 stiker_15084595_39578787 stiker_15084595_39582865 stiker_15084595_39589636 stiker_15084595_39589639 stiker_15084595_39589640 stiker_15084595_39773641 stiker_15084595_39831950 stiker_15084595_40087155 stiker_15084595_40087156 stiker_15084595_40087159 stiker_15084595_40088725 stiker_15084595_40270325 stiker_15084595_40274350 stiker_15084595_40274351 stiker_15084595_40511175 stiker_15084595_40529989 stiker_15084595_40532478 stiker_15084595_40542561 stiker_15084595_40542635 stiker_15084595_40542957 stiker_15084595_40563033 stiker_15084595_40564406 stiker_15084595_40564407 stiker_15084595_40564408 stiker_15084595_40572349 stiker_15084595_40573509 stiker_15084595_40598775 stiker_15084595_40598777 stiker_15084595_40598779 stiker_15084595_40615299 stiker_15084595_40615300 stiker_15084595_40616344 stiker_15084595_40616346 stiker_15084595_40616347 stiker_15084595_40616348 stiker_15084595_40632709 stiker_15084595_40634919 stiker_15084595_40701445 stiker_15084595_40724997 stiker_15084595_40724998 stiker_15084595_40798943 stiker_15084595_40798944 stiker_15084595_40806740 stiker_15084595_40838619 stiker_15084595_40903447 stiker_15084595_40962554 stiker_15084595_41021277 stiker_15084595_41021278 stiker_15084595_41062922 stiker_15084595_41062971 stiker_15084595_41069069 stiker_15084595_41176419 stiker_15084595_41237921 stiker_15084595_41237922 stiker_15084595_41238964 stiker_15084595_41266991 stiker_15084595_41266992 stiker_15084595_41266993 stiker_15084595_41266994 stiker_15084595_41266995 stiker_15084595_41266997 stiker_15084595_41266998 stiker_15084595_41266999 stiker_15084595_41267000 stiker_15084595_41267005 stiker_15084595_41267007 stiker_15084595_41267008 stiker_15084595_41267009 stiker_15084595_41267572
stiker_15084595_41267574 stiker_15084595_41267575 stiker_15084595_41267576 stiker_15084595_41269386 stiker_15084595_41313840
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