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Avatar sejak: 2006-12-17
Age: 35
Amerika Serikat - NY
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| DEREK| Unique|


so you know tha qov. name is [ derek .]keep it out ya damn mouthsz.remixd; unique .veinsz flow with; boricua blood.been breathin for seventeen years. birthday [ 102489 ] standin; 5'9 [ tall ].hOOd; brooklyn, new york.education; XAViRE HiGH [ senior'12 ] status; SiNGLE/lookin ; .FAV COLORSz; blue;black;red;white & grey.HATERSz?[x]DiE SLOWLY [= ;.questions? messaqe me ;
[ | peace lamesz | ].
i never claim to be anyone but who the fuck i really am. everythin.. comes but leavesz eventually. love killsz slowly n life is a waste of fuckin time. music n writing makesz me betta :] i fall fast n get hurt easily ; but i learn from it. i don't trust anywun anymore. i tend to be mean to the people i love the most..usually itsz tough love. everythin.. in life changesz ; yu just qotta keep it movin.. i expect the worst ; so as not to be dissappointed n cuz i've been let down too many times.so you're born n you die,if you're lucky you'll have some good timesz in between.oh n yu might fall in love,but love is a joke n you're just a fool.now thatsz a true story.Tha End
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