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Avatar sejak: 2007-09-20
Umur: 31
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I Love you Lina and nothing in this fucking world can change that,I'll stand by your side when all hope is gone,I'll be your shoulder to cry on,The face you turn to when your down.I'll always be here for you,I swear i would never turn my back on you.Your one of the few people who have always been there for me and accepted me for who I am,And I'll always accept you.Even if you don't want me around I'll be here for youWe may not talk ALL the time but I will always love you and be here for you.If they break you down I'll break them apart.I would not be here if it wasn't for you.I live for you.Bestie!<3I will meet you one day,That I swear.I love you so much and I don't know what I'd ever do without you.We'll do some crazy things,You and I.I can't wait to one day look back on life and remember my memories with you and no that I had the best friend ever.I miss you LoveBug,I wish we were closer again.
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friendly Teman 2
visitors Pengunjung 496
kharma Hadiah 80
generosity kedermawanan 163

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