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The Longest Page Ever!!! Returns! Thum Thumm Thummm!!! anyways I'm gone, this gallery is to show case my friends work and deticated to all my friends and the past when "The Wedding Chapel" was the place to be. -Vanishes into a dark abyss- Might reply, might not... I'm pretty much dead.
Teman 112
Pengunjung 2343
Hadiah 78
kedermawanan 1267
Heh... While I was gone you finally caught up to me... well guess what... Time to eat my dust again ;) I is back... really? dam straight.. Game on @_@ YoGeen!!! Its On Like Donkey Kong! bring it on! err again @_@ yeah >:D
Hmm... Me No Know, but..." Hold Your Colour - Pendulum" FTW ^[+.+ }^ -Vanishes-
ChrisVP's Coolie play list don't knock it till you try it