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Avatar sejak: 12/06/2006

Umur: 32
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It's not the height of the climb that I fear, it's the fall.
Status Hubungan: Sendiri
Mencari: Obrolan
IMVU Homepage Layouts

I get my IMVU Layouts from IMVU Homepage Layouts.
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Orang spesial
ChouetteLuna tidak memiki seseorang yang spesial.
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Thing is, if you don't leave me a message, how will I know if you're friendly or not?
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friendly Teman 32
visitors Pengunjung 1460
kharma Hadiah 15
generosity kedermawanan 8

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Daftar Keinginanku
I keep stuff on my wishlist because it's hard to re-find what I couldn't afford before. Gifts are *greatly* appreciated, but not needed whatsoever♥
.purr. LexiNo.02 deebsLexi | Royal~v Lexi Topaz*W* HW Skinny JeansNails
Small Feet~OA~ Nymph Forest GAp$ Hustla- Choco Mooseeh Eve Moose ?[TW]2tone Frisbee LB/Y
!$[c] Tomchi Neko PinkShort Purple Hairpurple bikini!  Corset PurpleDl Lucy short hair II
Dl Lucy short hair!Nyu/Lucy Dress- Flatm. EL; Nyu Skin [Bld]m. EL; Nyu Hair [Long]spacer

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