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Avatar sejak: 2007-02-11
Umur: 32
United States - FL
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"Type your tagline here"

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YAY VISITORS! I don't have internet at my house so I wont be chating with you anytime soon unless you catch me on MSN wile I'm at the freakin library. Anyway... I like video games pizza and the MARVOLES INTERNET! Also like movies and chatting with complete strangers that are about my age so e-mail me!

Hubungi saya
My msn is Biohazard-95@hotmail.com
hubungi pesan tambahkan kontak selanjutnya Blokir
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My buddies rule and if you say they dont I will shank out your eye and feed it to my cat!
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Cari tahu soal grup di IMVU! Mari saling berbagi minat, prestasi, saran, gosip, cerita, apa saja, semuanya!
Daftar Keinginanku
This is realy just here for me to keep track of what I want, Of course I wont mind if you get me somthing, In fact I just mite un-shank your eyes if you do XD
Eisengard (M) ~ GREEN ~BioHazardBioHazardspacerspacer
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Orang Baru Yang Menarik
What makes them so cool? I shuld shank them for not sharing there coolnes with me!!!

stiker_9236274_11649589 stiker_9236274_11665297 stiker_9236274_11665398 stiker_9236274_11675364 stiker_9236274_14731251 stiker_9236274_16221575