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Welcome lovelies, to my page. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to send me a message!
Hey There! Auiik here, Let me tell you a little bit about myself from FAQ's.
Username: Auiik
Name you like to be called: Ali
Age: 23
Birthday: Dec 7
Do you have a personal goal?: To not screw my kids up? no really though x'D i want to try to better myself and my lifestyle.
Hobbies: Car singing (badly), making bath bombs, photography, Gaming (VERY PICKY), Massage, doodling,
Other things I enjoy: Hiking, camping, walks, going to the beach, swimming... you know.. outdoorsy shit haha
Aversions: Douchebags/Asshats, lying, cheating, stealing, Rude people
Do you have any special skills?:i dont personally think so, but if you notice any please tell me x'D
Where are you from?: I was born in Washington state, but have live in Arizona, California, Texas, and Utah.
Other: I can be your best friend or dust in the wind. I used to say worst nightmare, but honestly I couldnt care less what you do after i shove your negative ass out of my life c: . Im a mother of 2 children (sometimes i talk about them here). I can get rather busy sometimes so if i dissappear for a week or two at a time i am sorry, but know i will be back. I am a dancer as well as management here. I used to escort, but now not so much but will gladly help anyone who would like to become one or just practice with their roleplaying skills. Im rather loving and will gladly be an ear if you need one. please do not be afraid to reach out to me if you need anything or would like to know more .