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Avatar sejak: 2005-10-27
Umur: 44
Amerika Serikat - IN
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"Slap me in the mouth and say I love you!"

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This is the only place where a tiger can be found united as one with a wolf. I am His tiger, and He is my wolf. Together we unite these creatures in a harmony that is rivaled by none. The Tiger Tyger! Tyger! burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand dare seize the fire? And what shoulder, and what art, Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand? and what dread feet? What the hammer? What the chain? In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? what dread grasp Dare its deadly terrors clasp? When the stars threw down their spears, And watered heaven with their tears, Did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the Lamb make thee? Tyger! Tyger! burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? ~William Blake~ The Pair Running Pair He and she Coats of white They live to be A matched set Mates for life Across frozen creeks And fields of white They fear no creature Great or small Side by side They defeat them all Love and devotion Bonded together in this life or the next Always forever Not just bodies But hearts mated too A pair of White Wolves Me...........and you ~Robert Ellis~
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Sorry I haven't been around in awhile. My page was locking up and I haven't been able to do anything. It's all fixed up now so maybe I'll be around more!
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I'm a Developer! Checkout my IMVU gear! Have a look at my sexy new outft! it's in the catalog at the link above!
Check out my adult store! MUST BE 18 OR OLDER! My honey is a Developer too! Check out his stuff! Go visit my girl Emerald! She's been my best friend since high school. She's a great person and a wonderful friend. My life is truly blessed because she is in it. Go meet her and find out why!
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Martin Luther King, Jr.

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