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Avatar sejak: 2006-11-16
Age: 33
Amerika Serikat - MI
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"Sane is back."

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Welcome to my homepage. Hope you'll stay for a bit ;)
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Relationships
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(RP) I am Dead....no Undead of sorts... a Demon infected by vampiracy. Long have I wandered the realms in search of a place to settle down; but always found my demonic heritage to unsettle things. Through my heritage and millenias of practice I have forged my ways deep into the dark arcane arts, making myself a very formidable foe; boasting regenerative capabilities, flying abilities, dark magic, inhuman strength and speed, a protective sheild of ellectricity, a demonic henchmen and a strong insatiable thirst for blood. I stand 7ft tall, and weigh 609 lbs, I am Archmage Sane Dell. Through a long self exile, he fell in love with the first girl that was nice to him. When he ruined the relationship with her he embarassed himself and shamed them both. later that night he cut out his own heart. He keeps it on display in his house, though where he will not say. He recently took Vorn into his soul and purged his Vampiracy, making him a whole inucbus again. He is searching for himself and has devoted himself to light.

(RL) I am a regular 18 year old guy.I am a single guy, hit me up by msg its easier that way :P. I graduated high school, i work a minimum wage job, have high aspirations. lol I am a computer kinda guy, im smart with em, its just comes natural you know. Well as far as i know no college, i am an air force boy, signed on for six years. i have a facebook, that i would love for you to check out. Just search thomas labeau, i am the bald one.
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