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Avatar sejak: 2007-05-29
Umur: 34
Amerika Serikat - TX
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"Can you coloriz my life; Im soo sick of black n white!!"

Lihat Album Saya (1)

Well Eyy, to all my visitors, nd readers! The names' Aranea but you can call me Cat. I'm from Austin Texas. Nd although I don't really like it here; Its a whole lot bettr then some other places. I am 19 yrs old, nd yes I really am married. Soo as you can guess I'm not here for relationships nor cyber of ny kind-- Strictly friendships! Yes I do have a yahoo IM, but I am rarely on it. Soo if you wish to get nd to stay in contact, Its bettr to do it via IMVU. I have a little sister named Nana; who loves to do this "askhflajsdfl;asjdf" as I am chatting, Soo when it happens tht is why. If you wish to know more about me, please feel free to send a mess. or to simply add mee.
Looking For: Friendship
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|MTL| Green Holic [F]^MQ^ JASMINE ^B^BBG* pink patent heels!Inkd Shorts w/belt :RepKF.NY Jacket V1
[KE] WesternGirlBoots[KE] BrightsShortsBBG* kitty outfit blue|MTL| Emo Black PlaidHis Neck Tattoo
s.:rainbowBLAST!f Alizee Blonde Long~BZ~ STERODE KoolAidTF Cat Eyes Green[69s] CUPCAKE AVATAR
[NU] Dirty T Army JT UBUspacerspacerspacerspacer
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