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Avatar sejak: 2005-11-10
Amerika Serikat - NY
Terakhir masuk:

"&what you say; just fades away."

See My Albums (5)

i am terry&my stories simple. i live to put smiles on peoples faces. i won't judge you, rather, get to know me and i'll accept you for you. i love going for a late night rides just to see the city lights. cute moments make me smile. i like drawing pointless cartoons with absolutely no meaning. i adore stars and hugs and stealing other peoples hoodies. i enjoy good beats that makes me want to move. it bothers me when people close to me hide things from me. you're looking at one intense gamer btw. i may be small, but i want to do something meaningful one day. have random meaningless rants about something absolutely pointless with me, chances are, i'll adore you.

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One Time To FlyIll Go Great Lengths
Daftar Keinginanku

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