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Avatar sejak: 2006-05-04
Amerika Serikat - CA
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"I will return soon my friends."

Lihat Album Saya (1)

Status Hubungan: Sendiri
Mencari: Obrolan
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Any of the sitckers that are of my avi that you are interested are along the side of my page. Working on the catalog, putting up pics and slight descriptions. Ummmmmm.... Any requests, feel free to ask.
BSD MeiBSD ZexionBSD Ears - MaleBSD Momoko BaseBSD AcidBSD Animated Tail
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This does not mean buy me stuff off of here. This is my 'Cute Thingies I wanna buy.' list. Heh. So, fight the temptation.
F BT Armour Bundle byT&RVampire suit by RisaRespirator ( Derivable )Smal Waisted Metal AngelCounter-Terrorist Suit
=EB= Huntress Pants[S2]Mafia Mini JacketPinkGangster Mini JacketLace Top in White[S2]Red Retro Dress
[S2] Leather JacketNurse Thigh High BootsRealistic Pink Bow TopPinkGangster Sparkle TopNet Pretty! Orange
Teman-temanku (14)
In case you were on my buddy list, and now are removed, I generally try to keep an updated list, without 30 billion people I don't talk to.... Ever. This isn't "MySpace". This isn't a popularity contest. People on my buddy list are either friends, or people I really wam looking forward to talk to. I am not Add crazy.
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