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Avatar sejak: 2007-03-25
Age: 67 Terverifikasi umur 18+ Usia Terverifikasi
Amerika Serikat
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"Here for friendship."

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Thank you for visiting my homepage. I enjoy meeting new people and getting to know each person. Ever once in awhile, you meet someone that just takes your breath away and you feel recharged. I always lived by the principal that we must always help others and if you can not help them then please do not hurt them. That is what the Dalai Lama once said. . https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pUN9PEuNXls
Relationship Status: Divorced
Looking For: Friendship
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AdmiralKnight tidak memiki seseorang yang spesial.
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Prayer WarriorsPurple and Red JacketRoyal Lady Elegance
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This is my wishlist. It is to remind me what I want in the future.
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