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Avatar sejak: 2006-08-31
Amerika Serikat - VA
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Status Hubungan: Sendiri
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xvthunder246 tidak memiki seseorang yang spesial.

i will alwase have ur bak as u will myn we r best friends and will stay vthat way for a very long time
ur super kools like i dont even know were to start ur so kool... XD....ur there wen im sad...wen im mad..wen im any emotion friends forever
u r ma fav sis wen things get rough ur there to make them better =]... wen i need to go on a mission for akatuski u will be my partener alwase! but anywase i love u sis and alwase will
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[7E]Saw: Lens-MUltimate Cloud StickerZombie Kirby[7E] Pyr0 coat[7E] Syndrome : Munsters
[7E] Syndrome : Collar[7E] Syndrome : Bottom(MV) Male Arm Spikes[L] Crown Of Lost Soul-[ R : WiBY ]-
-[ Xero : gloves]--[Amt :: Ice Sugar]--[ InsanitY ]-TF Huge Male Avatar*HJ* Black Skin
to the GRAVE[S] BR Ruzaky[AE]Pink/Black Lightning[AE] Red Lightning-[ Mono Pnts/Bts ]-
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