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Avatar sejak: 2006-08-19
Age: 35
Kerajaan Inggris
Terakhir masuk:

"One Less Thought To Think Of."

Lihat Album Saya (1)

About Muah?
Davey Castilla
17 Years Since Birth
Hate Meat
Lives With Alex And Viraxe <33
Neighbor = Cynthia <33
Colour = Rainbows!
Food=Skittles No Durrh
Luff Peircings!You got them?Im Yours.X]
Bisexual..Problem Simple Solution Leave.
Luffs Nice People Hates Mean People
Luff Mah Friends
Hates Fakers
Labelling?Screw It.
Wears Girl Pants.
Shares Clothes With People He Luffs
Eyeliner/Eyeshadow =Luff Skittles=Luff Viraxe =Luff
Band=BelovedDeath Position=Lead Singer
Any More Questions? Ask Away
Buh Bye!

A.F.I. - The Days Of The Phoenix
Provided by VideoCodes4U.com
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Viraxe[My Lover]
Alex[My Twin Brother]
Cynthia[My Love] [Who Doesnt Have An Imvu Yet]
Luff!! Viraxe <33,Alex <3,Cynthia <3,Meh.
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Small Pictures=.....Hard To See.
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Kind Of Got Cut Off But It says "I Stole Your Sketchers S LOL S"
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Pictures In Public Bathrooms = Mal-func-tion
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Muah And A Friend :]
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?? Dont Ask X]
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Alex's Room?Yesh.
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Peircings =<33
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We can Fly!!
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Daftar Keinginanku
Rainbow FairyDouble Spiky BeltMad Hatter Pants¤C¤ French classe bottom¤C¤ French classe top
Red Tartan Pants MaleGlossy Ink PaineBUNCHEz 0F CUPPiiCAkEz™Double Metal Snake BitesCuffed Light Jeans
Skull Hospital Maskspacerspacerspacerspacer
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