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this is mah bestie cassIe and i luv dis ride for die chick<3 we madd close we madd coo and we get along well luv ya gurl luv ya gurly,selena!
this person is special to me!<3
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Avatar sejak: 2007-11-16
Umur: 31
Amerika Serikat - CA
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hey dis is ya gurl selena no i aint the one on t.v but i i do have the same name though..isnt that koo people cum up to me and are like "are you related to selena gomez?"and i think that we are sorta like cuinsz not sistas but ya cuzins..ya so letsz get baq tome ok Im 15 and i have 11 imvu sistersz now that is a lot of sistersz you got to admit and i have a momand a dad that i luv so very much and their names are mom:xXxsexxymexXx and my daddies:ELdanio007..I luv my fam!
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