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I have 78 badges, if you want to buy any of them, here is a link to my shop! Badge Link
What can I say?
Hey there! I am Chelly. I am in my 30s, I'm a mom irl I do badges, so I mean, check out my badge shop. I'm super awkward but I game a lot and wouldn't mind more friends to game with.
What I like
♡ Soft things
♡ Games
♡ Friends
♡ The color Green
♡ Anime
♡ Kdramas
♡ Badging
♡ Alpacas&Llamas
These Little Shits
I Love with all my heart
This little shit doesn't even go on IMVU, but he is with me all the time and is my bestest best friend. He is like a comfort blanket to me. We legit started talking one day and never stopped. Lmao. I got through his defenses and I became his person. We play a lot of Dead By Daylight, Crusader Kings 3 and a few others together. We watch spoopies and he goes to Comic Cons with me. I love him from the bottom of my heart and I am glad he is my best friend. He's also single ladies, get at me with them DMs. He's 34, doesn't want kids, whether his own or others, he needs a dommy mommy and he's traumatized, but I can vouch, he is an amazing person and worth it all.
This little shit has no nipples first of all. He says WoW a lot, but he's someone who will see the good in you even when you don't. He's a big giant softy. He's been hurt a lot and if you hurt my boy, I will have to hurt you, it's not a threat, its a promise. I love this boy like a brother. Even though I give him an inferiority complex over his penis. You and Cas have stayed by my side longer than anyone has. You didn't give up on me even when I gave up on me. I love you so very much, Joshypoo.
You are a space case on a good day. You remind me of Runt of the Litter from Chicken Little when he goes back and forth with his answer and then is like "Sorry, I'm a gutless flip-flopper" Lol, you are one of my best friends though and I am glad you are by my side as well. You make me laugh and smile a lot. Like I said with Josh, you stayed. You are one of my longest friends and I wouldn't want to lose you. I love you, Bone Daddy.
Well hello there, Daddy. Wiggles Brows. My chaotic queen. We feed off from the chaos the other brings and sometimes, people cannot handle or take us. Lol. You are an ice queen through and through, but you melt slightly when your small group of people are around. You are a whole vibe and I love you. You are one of my favorite people. I don't have many people I hold close, but you, trag, josh and cas (friend wise) I do. Thank you for being a pillar in my life. Thank you for listening to all my cry sesh when I had another heart break or when something just wasn't going right in life. I know you hold onto a lot of baggage yourself and it's not always easy. You are amazing lil mama.
Bitch Tits
Oh god, the things I could say about you. You toxic piece of turd nugget. Just kidding, you are one of the sweetest people I have met, and I am glad you finally are happy. You have stability you have sought for a long time. You and I haven't always seen eye to eye, but somehow we have always come back together, maybe it's because I'm a better stalker than Joe from You, maybe it's destiny, whose to say. All I know is that you are one of my favorite people and I am glad to still have you in my life. We can go from talking all the time to 4 months of not hearing from each other to literally acting like we didn't stop. Thank you for being you.
You have been one of my longest kiddos. We have had our touch and go moments, but here we are all these years later. I have seen some very big growth from you and we may not talk all the time, but I am always rooting for you and your growth as a person. You are thriving even if you don't see it. I am so very proud of you. Keep being the amazing mom, wife, daughter and friend that you are. I love you, babes.
You graduated, you got married and you are living your best life. I am so beyond proud of you babe. I know we don't talk much anymore, but I am always rooting for you, as I am all my kids on here. I love you so very much, sweetie.
You sassy little thing. You are doing brilliantly, you have your own cooking business and let me just say, i drool over your food. Someday I hope to be able to taste your cooking. I love you babes, I am proud of the young woman you have become. I've legit watched you grow up and it makes me sad but happy all at the same time.
You are a rockstar, doing your EMT, going to school to finish becoming an EMT, you are amazing. You got married to boot too. I cannot believe how successful and loved my girls are and I am glad you all found your partners. I love you so much. You are very resilient and I know no matter what life throws at you, you will get back on that horse and do it again. Mama will always be here for you to lean on though.
To everyone else
I am lazy and don't want to write everyone out, so just know, you are important to me as well. I love you all and you know who you are.
Oh what to say about my Bean Liberator. You grew to be one of my most favorite people in such a short time that it blew my mind. You make me smile till my face hurts. I laugh so much when I am with you. I can be silly, quirky, and just myself. I love your calmness, your sarcasm and just you. You honestly complete me in a way I never knew I could be completed. There is nothing I want more than to be by your side for the rest of my days. I am usually super scared to think of the future, the only thing I am scared of is to lose you because I am willing to full throttle this. I love how willing you are to game with me, how you don't mansplain the games to me, and how you will be there by my side through it all. I cannot wait to see what the future holds with the best person I could ask for. I love you, Brad, to pluto and back.
If you want me to show support, can ask. okay byeee