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Avatar sejak: 2006-11-21
Age: 41
Amerika Serikat - MI
Terakhir masuk:

"That which don\'t kill me had better run damn fast."

Lihat Album Saya (1)

Here we are on a romantic walk by the lake. ^^

Now my wife sinks her fangs into my neck and I have no way to escape X.X

I would let her bite my neck countless number of times just to kiss her once cuz its all worth that one kiss. I love her kisses = ^__^ = (happy kitsune)

Now she is showing me her dungeon where I will be trapped so she can devour me ^^. O.O wait a sec... what was that my love? @.@ Where is the exit door at?

Status Hubungan: Berpacaran
Mencari: Pertemanan
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My awesome and beautiful fiance. She might catch me a lot and devour me like a slice of pizza but I love her. So if you see me running away from her and she is chasing please, please cheer me on so that I might run faster...
Wow we must have seen something very unusual to have that look on both our faces XD
Teman-temanku (22)
These are some of of my friends. They are some of the greatest people I may have ever met. Some of my family can be found here as well.

Oh and LoneRider, don't forget, I'll get you back for the jokes! LOL.

Hey Lonerider do you think here is a good place to hide from Kanga? Right here behind my buddies list?

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Look at all the cool and interesting people that have visited. ^__^ Thank you for the visit. Don't forget to leave me a message. I'll write back as soon as I can.

Maybe if I hide here Kanga wont find me O.o

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